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Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes 06/19/2007
Town of Lenox
Historic District Commission
June 19, 2007
Land Use Meeting Room

Members Present:  Chair Ken Fowler (KF), Kate McNulty-Vaughan (KM-V),  Elaine Steinert (ES).  Absent:  Jason Berger  (without notification ?) (JB), (Land Use Secretary Peggy Ammendola on vacation)

Chair Ken Fowler called the meeting to order at 5:45

MINUTES:  Postponed to next meeting.

Applicant Francis J. Baczek , owner of property at 37 Church St. in the Historic District, appeared before the Board for a Certificate for a new sign for his dining establishment, Dish.

The Board voted (3-0) (Motion: ES; 2nd: KM-V) to approve a Certificate of Appropriateness for the sign as presented:
The sign is to be double-sided, circular (resembling a “dish”) in shape with a diameter of 1.9 ft., and will be hung in a steel bracket by the door at a 90 degree angle to the building at an appropriate height.  Mr. Baczek informed the Board that the work would be done by a licensed contractor, and that the sign would be stationary.  

Mr. Baczek showed the board a printout of his sign design (business logo), a red plate with pale blue lettering, which he felt would more clearly designate his business as a restaurant.  The Board advised Mr. Baczek that no other signs are allowed to be hung from this permitted one.  The Board also discussed the lighting of the sign with the applicant, who indicated that no new lighting would be required for the sign itself; existing lighting beside the door (downcast) would be sufficient to provide lighting for the sign.  KF recommended that Mr. Balczek take a look at other “bracketed” signs in the HD for examples of style.

Mr. Balczek was advised to see Building Inspector Bill Thornton as his next step.

1. G. Jordan letter
KF brought to the attention of the Board a letter to the HDC from George Jordan, critical of the Board’s actions with regard to an unnamed ZBA applicant and project.  The Board was unsure how to respond, and KF indicated he would find out what the letter was in reference to in discussion with Mr. Jordan.

The Board resumed discussion of sign problems in the HD.  KM-V informed the Board of her meeting with Building Inspector Bill Thornton, and his comments and suggestions for the Board to consider.

The Board discussed an informational mailing (possibly from the HDC in conjunction with the Select Board) to property owners (and businesses) in the District informing them about regulations.  ES suggested enclosing a “response card” with the mailing to acknowledge receipt of the materials.

KF noted the proliferation of sign violations currently occurring in the District, and the problem with who’s advising the businesses with regard to what’s allowable for signage, etc. in the District.   Apparently, new businesses are getting “compliance” advice from realtors, who may be actually misinforming them.

ES (a realtor) offered to follow-up on this and ask the Berkshire County Board of Realtors whether a message could periodically be included on Board of Realtors’ daily e-mail to members with a reminder that they inform their clients of property location in an HD and the necessity to seek out HDC procedures in said community.

KF also recommended that Board members not discuss violations with business or property owners on their own:  actions need to come from the Board as a whole.

KF noted that it might be useful to hold a meeting/discussion with the District owners and businesses about the signage rules (Bylaws and Guidelines) and whether there might be some agreement about changes or middle ground, and then worry about compliance.  ES recalled a similar previous meeting or public hearing with Mass Historic’s Chris Skelly (sp?) which got a crowd focused on venting.  

KF suggested that it might be appropriate to revisit some of the Bylaws regulating signage and other areas controlled under the Guidelines and ask how important these are, or whether some changes could or should be made.   He commented that if people want the community to be energetic and viable – both residences and businesses in the Village supply that vitality. The Board discussed what businesses catering to the needs of full-time residents (not tourist-targeted) still exist downtown.

Some frustration with the response of the Building Inspector to violations was noted and KM-V provided BT’s explanation of the process, court response, etc.  ES asked for clarification about why the applicants don’t go to the Building Inspector first, then the HDC, and KF explained the order and why it makes sense to see HDC first.

Board members gave themselves the following ”assignments” to prepare for the next meeting:  

·       Ken – talk with Hugh Cowhig and see what his recollection is of an apparently successful past meeting BT recalled involving the HDC and business/property owners in the District and try to get details of that meeting which could provide a template for the current Board in setting up a future meeting;

·       Elaine –  talk to Sandy Carroll (SP?) of the Berkshire Board of Realtors about the e-mail message she suggested;

·       Kate – write up her notes on the meeting with Building Inspector Bill Thornton and find out about an upcoming Chamber meeting on signs.

3. JB’s Absences
KF will try to find out if JB has resigned or not, so that the Board can work with the Select Board on finding a new member.

4. “Walk-Around” w. Historical Commission Summary:
The Board discussed the recent “walk-around” of the District scheduled by the Lenox Historical Commission with Chris Skelly from MA Historic (6/8/07) to which we were invited. Andrea Winters  (Chair) and Suzanne Pelton from the Historical Commission were joined by KM-V and ES in the morning, and KF for the afternoon.  Mr. Skelly clarified several sticking points for the Boards on jurisdiction and oversight (ex. whether views from the District into property outside the District was subject to oversight [no]).  He recommended that the Historical Commission work on an overall town Preservation Plan, discussed what grant money would be available for that, and recommended that they begin by preparing a single page setting out their goals, or the process of the plan.

5. Minutes:  Historical Commission
KF noted that the Historical Commission link to Minutes (town website) actually links to Historic District Commission Minutes and he has contacted various people about correcting that problem.    

Submitted by KM-V